Module Ui

module Ui: sig .. end
User Interface helpers.

val opt_channel_in : Pervasives.in_channel Pervasives.ref
Reference to the input channel.
val opt_filename_in : string Pervasives.ref
Reference to the input filename.
val setup_opt_initial_procs : string -> unit
Sets Ph_util.opt_initial_procs to the process list represented by the given string.
val setup_opt_channel_in : string -> unit
Sets opt_channel_in and opt_filename_in according to given input filename.
val common_cmdopts : (Arg.key * Arg.spec * Arg.doc) list
List of command line options (for use with Arg module) common to the majority of tools.
val input_cmdopts : (Arg.key * Arg.spec * Arg.doc) list
List of command line options (for use with Arg module) for tools taking a model as input.
val simple_input : unit -> ( * Ph_types.ctx) * string list
Use of input_cmdopts to parse command line. Returns the input process hitting with context and additionnal command line arguments as string list
val proclist_from_stringlist : string list -> Ph_types.process list
Make a list of processes from a string list alterning sort and process index.