Module Ph_machine

module Ph_machine: sig .. end
Create a new execution environment from the given Process Hitting.

module P2Map: Map.S  with type key = Ph_types.process * Ph_types.process
type env = (Ph_types.PSet.t * Ph_types.rate * Ph_types.PSet.t) list P2Map.t 
val create_env : -> env
Create a new execution environment from the given Process Hitting.
val init_random : unit -> unit
Initialize random generators used by the machine
type plotter = float -> Ph_types.process -> unit 
Function to plot at the given time the presence of the given process.
val execute : env ->
Ph_types.state -> float -> plotter -> Ph_types.state
execute env init duration plotter simulates the environment env from the initial state init and calls plotter t p each time the process p appears at time t. The simulation stops either when a fix point has been reached, or after duration units of time. Returns the resulting state.