Module Param

module Param: sig .. end
Stochastic and temporal parameters related functions.

val firing_interval : float -> float -> int -> float * float
firing_interval alpha r sa returns the (float) confidence interval at confidence coefficient alpha for the sum of sa exponential variables of rate r*sa.
val random_firing_time : float -> int -> float
random_firing_time r sa returns a random value following an Erlang (r*sa, sa).
val round_float : float -> float
Rounds the given float to the nearest ceil or floor.
val int_of_fi : float * float -> int * int
Truncates given couple of floats into a couple of integers.
val round_fi_closest : float * float -> int * int
Rounds given firing interval to the closest integers.
val round_fi_ex : float * float -> int * int
Rounds given firing interval to the bounding integer interval.
val round_fi_in : float * float -> int * int
Rounds given firing interval to the bounded integer interval.
val zoom_fi : float -> float * float -> float * float
zoom_fi factor fi multiplies the bounds of fi by factor.
val rsa_of_firinginterval : float * float -> float -> float * int
Estimes the rate and stochasticity absorption factor corresponding to the given firing interval at the given confidence coefficient